Wolfpack Red

Friday, August 13, 2010

When is the next cruise?

After our 2 week cruise I started work on August 2. That gave me less than a week to to do final preparations for TLW (our student director training) and less than 2 weeks to get ready for 4 days of training for club supervisors and officers.
Students started moving on campus this Thursday. Today was crazy... Parents were all trying to get as close to the residence hall as possible so they didn't melt in the 100 degree heat when trying to move their son/daughters things.
I am excited for students to be back. I miss the fun stories and craziness that they bring. However, the month of August is not fun. We work crazy hours until Labor Day. It is Friday night and I am thinking about how I have to work Saturday 8:30-5 and Sunday 7:45a-9:30p. When is the next cruise?