At work we have an outdoor adventures program where we rent outdoor gear at a really low cost to students/faculty/staff. 2 kayaks, 2 pfd's, 2 paddles, 2 car kits, and 2 pumps for the weekend for only $28, well free for me because I work there. But you get the point, cheap! So Kyle and I decided to get kayaks for the weekend and be adventurous. On Saturday we went to Lake Raleigh and just paddled around, Kyle had never been so we went small. It was fun for a little until I freaked out. We were paddling through a small creek area and my paddle got caught on a vine and brought me into the bushes. Well that would have been fine, except a huge spider fell off the plant and on to my leg. Of course I freaked out. I was actually trying to flip the kayak over to get in the water and out of the boat with the spider. But no, the kayak was so sturdy I couldn't flip it. So I had to kill the spider. This entire time I am looking rediculous and Kyle has no idea why. Finally I caught my breath and told him there was a spider in my boat and he didn't understand why I thought being in the water was a better option than just dealing with the spider. He doesn't understand why I am afraid of them.
Sunday was much better. This time we went big and packed a picnic to take with us to Jordan Lake. There were a bunch of people kayaking on the lake with us. We kayaked for a while, stopped and ate lunch and went for a swim, and then paddled back. On the way back we were going against the wind and the current was pretty strong. My arms are sore today.

Sunday was much better. This time we went big and packed a picnic to take with us to Jordan Lake. There were a bunch of people kayaking on the lake with us. We kayaked for a while, stopped and ate lunch and went for a swim, and then paddled back. On the way back we were going against the wind and the current was pretty strong. My arms are sore today.

I would have freaked out to - A spider! YUK.... but at least you didn't have to deal with the gators.... Looks like fun.
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