A week ago last Saturday we took Nala to the dog park in Cary. All of the dogs were having a great time playing. A couple came in with three dogs and it went downhill. First of all, you are not supposed to bring that many dogs because they typically form packs and bully other dogs. They had a boxer, german shepard, and a junk yard puppy. Nala is playing with a few other dogs and the german shepard comes in and bites her on the side. I didn't see it happen but Nala immediately started crying really loudly. Kyle and I ran over and she was scared to death. Finally after a few minutes we got her to calm down. The owners of the dog did not come and apologize or anything. Another women at the dog park yelled at them and said that every time they bring their dog it bites another dog. We stayed at the park for a while and got Nala to calm down and got her to play with a few other dogs. When we got home we noticed that she was bleeding so Kyle cleaned it.
On Monday we noticed that she had a big lump the size of a lime where the dog bite was. Of course I made Kyle take Nala to the vet. They shaved her, drained the wound, and gave her some antibiotics and muscle inflammatory pills. The wound wasn't infected but they wanted to be safe. Here is a picture of Nala after she left the vet. She was so embarrassed and slept for the rest of the day.

She still has a small lump and if it doesn't go away by Friday/Saturday they may have to put a drain in. Please keep your fingers crossed that Nala doesn't need a drain. I don't know what she would do if she couldn't go swimming or play because of a drain.
On Monday we noticed that she had a big lump the size of a lime where the dog bite was. Of course I made Kyle take Nala to the vet. They shaved her, drained the wound, and gave her some antibiotics and muscle inflammatory pills. The wound wasn't infected but they wanted to be safe. Here is a picture of Nala after she left the vet. She was so embarrassed and slept for the rest of the day.

She still has a small lump and if it doesn't go away by Friday/Saturday they may have to put a drain in. Please keep your fingers crossed that Nala doesn't need a drain. I don't know what she would do if she couldn't go swimming or play because of a drain.
Oh my gosh, I thought I read that in your talk with Lisa - but then I just asked your Mom and she told me all about it... That is so awful! You got to be careful in doggie parks . I will pray for Nala to be OK - let me know how she is doing. poor sweet Nala :(
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