I went to the doctor again this morning and saw my finger after surgery for the first time. Apparently I was ghostly white when they took the bandage off because the nurse told me not to look and covered my finger with gauze for the x-rays. When the doctor came in she convinced me to look because I was sitting down. Not too bad, but at the same time nasty. The pins are sticking out a little more than I expected. The doctor says everything is healing fine. I get the pins out on Thursday, October 16, just a little over 2 weeks. I start physical therapy on the middle joint Thursday and will go 2-3 times a week for 5 weeks. I chose this picture because it is the least disgusting and my sister got access to my blog in Myanmar the other day and I don't want her to pass out :)

It looks like it is healing quite well, but it is still gross looking :(
How does it feel?
Yes, thank you for censoring the photos! I certainly don't want to pass out here and need medical attention :)
eeeeeeekkkkk! :()
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