Wolfpack Red

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It started snowing here last night around midnight and is still snowing at 2:30pm.  So far we have about six inches of snow.  Which for NC is pretty much blizzard conditions and we should shut down the town for at least two days.  Luckily I didn't have to work today.  Kyle and I took Nala out to play in the snow for about 2 hours.  This is her first real snow and she loved it.

Nala trying to jump and eat the snowballs that I was throwing at her.

Me forcing Nala to stop playing for one minute so we can take a picture together.

Our apartment complex covered in snow


NaRiHo said...

Awesome snow pictures - I love them.. You and Nala look to cute...

yomama said...

Just checked in for the first time in a long time. Looks cold, but also looks like you had a blast!