Nala turned 4 on Saturday! We wanted this birthday to be special and of course it rained all day and was cold. We did however make her a whipped cream and dog treat pie that she shared with her friend Charlie. Happy Birthday Nala.

eating her birthday pie

Nala with her pink ball from Charlie, popped on the first grab

eating her birthday pie

Nala with her pink ball from Charlie, popped on the first grab
A few months ago I was looking at a magazine and read an article of a scrapbook lady that hung her pages on a curtain rod each month to show them off. Being a pretty cool idea....I decided to get a curtain rod and try it. I made 4 quick pages this weekend to hang.
Curtain rod on wall
#1 - Happy Happy Belated Birthday to my niece! Damn, how'd I miss that one? Sorry, Nala, I'll make it up to you in June, I promise ;)
#2 - the curtain rod this is freaking awesome! I LOVE it! If I ever have a house one day I want that in there, of course I won't have pages to change out, but I can have a permanent one.
#3 - did kyle get his b-day present yet?
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