Wolfpack Red

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Favorite Things

These past few weeks at work have been insane!  I can't wait until school is over for the semester.  On top of that it is cold here this week, only in the low 60's during the day and 30's at night. 
Nothing really exciting to write about, so I will tell you my favorite things....
Color: yellow
Food: shrimp and scallops
Dessert: right now, cookies and cream ice cream
Animal: dogs
Season: summer, the hotter he better
Dream Job: owning a surf shop
Sport to play: now it is flag football, my shoulder doesn't allow me to play volleyball anymore
Sport to watch: college football
Best friend: Kyle and my mom
TV Show: The Office
Store: Apple
New hobbies: I am learning to play golf

Just a few fun things about me.


Lisa Y said...

GOLF??? I knew you always were more mature than me, but golf? Amy is doing a golf package for her wedding in Cancun... maybe ya'll can do that!

NaRiHo said...

Hey, we both like the same store ~ :)